iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry 6, even desktop computers or laptops – what do they have in common? Well, they’re all used to go online, at least once in a while, so when that does happen… I guess most users will end up facing one image gallery sooner or later – agree with that? Fortunately, it seems developers have a lot of tools at their disposal to avoid deploying different apps for each device, so today we’ll take a quick look at PhotoSwipe. Ready or not, here we go…
According to the official mumbo-jumbo, PhotoSwipe “is a FREE HTML/CSS/JavaScript based image gallery specifically targeting mobile devices” aimed at developers and designers who need to add an interactive image gallery to their mobile websites while maintaining the look and feel of a native app. Fully compatible with a wide range of devices, PhotoSwipe also works like a charm with virtually all popular development frameworks and JavaScript libraries, being available as a self contained JavaScript library or, if needed, this piece of code comes packaged with a jQuery implementation as well.
Freely available for any purposes you may have in mind, PhotoSwipe offers support for orientation, allows you to easily swipe items and, when needed, images are being resized automatically, not to mention the customization options available, such as speed control of fadeIn-fadeOut effects, image scaling methods, zoom on/off and many others. At last, I should add that PhotoSwipe has no special requirements and, in case that’s not obvious already, you should know it works with all mobile and desktop browsers. Well… I guess that’s all for today, folks! 😉