jQuery Archive


While messing with Twitter itself on a regular basis is nothing but a huge waste of time (my personal opinion, of course, you’re free to disagree with it), I have to admit that a lot of the messages sent by Twitter user may lead ...Read More


While an experienced developer can get started with CSS and go above average level in less than an hour, I think that code generators should be used as often as possible, I decided to take a closer look at another Web-based CSS tool. After ...Read More


iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry 6, even desktop computers or laptops – what do they have in common? Well, they’re all used to go online, at least once in a while, so when that does happen… I guess most users will end up facing one ...Read More

OpenJS Grid

I hate statistics. I think I said that before, but I must say it again. It’s my hate for the math behind it, not anything else, since I must also admit that a lot of useful information is contained in various databases and tables. ...Read More


Need a hand? Hey, this week is just taking off, so I see nothing bad in asking for a bit of help, even if it comes shaped as a tooltip. This is not necessarily about software, since I’ve seen a lot of websites that ...Read More


A few days ago, I read an article about the closure of the last factory in the world still making typewriters (I think we’re talking about the last mechanical typewriters manufacturer, in fact). If we leave aside the fact that it’s amazing that the ...Read More


Online image galleries that also offer some cool animations when moving from one picture to another never get old, don’t you think? Sure, some people may say that watching slideshows instead of checking a bunch of thumbnails and going for the thing you want ...Read More


J… Java… jQuery plugins… oh, it’s sooo laaate… in fact, I think jQuery plugins come in really handy late at night, even for those working on them or with them. After all, it’s not like messing around with Delphi components or some advanced C++ ...Read More

jQuery 1.5

Until now, we talked about a lot of jQuery plugins here, but never about jQuery itself. So far, so good – nothing that special, but today the day arrived, since the “write less, do more” JavaScript library almost every developer loves to hate or ...Read More


When I hear ZEN, all I can think of is Creative’s line of portable media players – I really love most devices bearing this name, although I will be forever addicted to my good old Sandisk Sansa e250… but I am sure you’re already ...Read More