I got a friend who’s working as a software developer, mostly for desktop platforms, but since he’s into financial software (and completely fed up with it), we have talks about ways of making money from time to time. As you can imagine, none of us got rich yet, but at least we’re trying. I am no developer, but every time we talk about software to develop, there are three words I keep repeating to him: iPhone, Twitter, Android. So far, nothing came out, but we’re boiling our brains on a regular basis to give birth to some brilliant idea. Anyway, until then… checking others’ projects is a pretty good start, and today the time has come for ImageShack’s yfrog for iPhone!
According to the official description found on code.google.com, yfrog for iPhone “is an open source Twitter client for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch,” previously known as Tweetero. Its rich list of features includes the ability to view tweets and lists as you wish, mess with the mobile notifications, schedule posts/uploads, forward tweets by email, take and send pictures that end up hosted on Yfrog.com and so on.
To freely install yfrog for iPhone, just click right here. For more screenshots, click here. Sure, since I already mentioned that yfrog for iPhone is open source, feel free to mess with the code, if you got the skills and the time required to do that. For me, it’s bye-bye time now. See you next week! 😉