Iphone Archive

yfrog for iPhone

I got a friend who’s working as a software developer, mostly for desktop platforms, but since he’s into financial software (and completely fed up with it), we have talks about ways of making money from time to time. As you can imagine, none of ...Read More

Surface iPhone UI Kit

Still having some problems with your iPhone development work? Well, I guess there’s nothing out of this world, since nothing’s that simple when it comes to programming stuff for the iPhone/iPad or the iPod. Fortunately, there are plenty of great tools available for free, ...Read More


iPhone application developers, get ready – this one’s for you! Hate it or love it, the iPhone is a real gold mine for developers too, not just for Apple, the carriers and those into making accessories for it, so I decided to find some ...Read More


Love it or hate it, the iPhone is now one of the most notorious mobile platforms, with a growth rate that doesn’t seem to stop or even slow down at all. I am not going to start that discussion about the device’s goodies vs. ...Read More


If you encountered difficulties reading your WordPress based website or blog on your mobile device, WPtouch is the solution. WPtouch is a lightweight, fast-loading, feature-rich and highly-customized “theme application” which includes an admin interface to let you customize many aspects of your site’s presentation. ...Read More