Flash Archive

Vectorian Giotto

As you probably noticed until now, we usually stay away from standalone software for a single platform here, on WebDev3000. Well, today we’ll talk about Vectorian Giotto, a program that only works with Win 2000/XP/Vista/7, so in case you’re wondering why is this happening, ...Read More


More and more say that Flash is dying. Could this be true? To be honest, I have no idea but, from my Internet user point of view, I can surely tell you that HTML5 looks like a Flash killer! These being said, Wallaby comes ...Read More

FlipBook CMS

Today, I found myself listening to a few ladies talking about kids, books, computers and TV. I am no detective, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and just hear them talk. All of a sudden, I remembered ...Read More

H.264 XML White Video Player

H.264 XML White Video Player is a free Flash video player. With this player you can play the following video formats: MP4, M4V, M4A, MOV, Mp4v, F4V. The configuration is stored in a XML file, this way you don’t need to change anything in ...Read More


If you are a web developer you need to test your website. For this you will need to install a webserver, PHP, MySQL, etc. You can install them manually, but you will lose a lot of time and is not worth it. It’s not ...Read More

Agile Uploader

I love smart scripts. I really enjoy when I get to earn more time for thinking, instead of working on repetitive tasks. For example, let’s think about image uploading and resizing. No matter what I use to resize the files, this operation requires my ...Read More


Could you live without sites like YouTube or Vimeo? I think I could, but that would surely be a pretty boring life! Sure, that won’t happen anytime soon, especially since it becomes easier with each day to add media elements to your website. Today, ...Read More


While Flash may not die anytime soon, HTML5’s rise to power will surely add some problems to all people working on websites. For example, think about streaming sites. While using some Flash streaming server may not be such a big deal, adding HTML5 to ...Read More


When used properly, Flash is awesome. Unfortunately, a lot of Flash sites look and feel like s**t, and increased use of devices like the iPhone or iPad could start a slow but unstoppable process of “Flash destruction,” if things continue to evolve as they ...Read More

Flash Platform Services

If you want an easy way to distribute and monetize your application or to add social and collaborative capabilities to your applications, Adobe can help you with Adobe Flash Platform Services. Using Distribution service you can share your application to social networks, mobile devices, and ...Read More